Monthly Archives: October 2022

Tax-free health benefits

If you are an employer, having a healthy staff is good for both you and your employees. So, you might want to give your employees benefits that will help them catch any health problems early and get back to full health. Even though private health insurance is a taxable benefit (except for employees ...
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Tax-free savings income

There are many ways to get tax-free savings income. But not all routes are available to all taxpayers. The options depend on the type of savings, the saver’s other income, and the rate of tax at the top of the income range. Savings Allowance A savings allowance is given to both basic rate and ...
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Different lets, different tax rules

From a tax point of view, not all rentals are the same, and the rules for furnished vacation rentals are different from those for traditional buy-to-lets. Buy-to-let In a traditional buy-to-let, the same tenant or tenants live in the property for a long time. The standard length of a lease is at lea...
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Tax Breaks for EIS Company Investors

Investors who have nothing to do with the company can get 30% of the amount they put into qualifying EIS companies back as income tax relief, up to £1 million per tax year (or up to £2 million if at least £1 million of that is put into knowledge-intensive companies). So, an investor’s incom...
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Tax-efficient finance for your company

HMRC has recently updated the advice they give to businesses that want to get investors to buy shares in their business. If the business is set up right and meets the requirements of the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) or the Seed EIS, investors may be able to take advantage of a number of tax br...
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Is a property company a tax-efficient option?

In recent years, there have been changes to how unincorporated landlords are treated for tax purposes, especially when it comes to interest relief. This has caused more landlords to rent out their properties through a company. What do you think? We look at some of the things to think about when maki...
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